Desert Locust situation in Ethiopia September 3, 2023

Scattered and few solitary and very small groups of immature Desert Locust movement continued in August in Tigray, Amhara, Afar, Oromia, and Somali (Siti Zone) Administrative Regions and Dire Dawa rural villages. A ground survey was conducted on 621,105 in the North, Northeastern, and Eastern parts of the country by Federal Plant Protection Directorate and […]

Update of Desert Locust situation August 23, 2023

The Desert locust situation was calm in the region except where numbers of immature groups, low-density adults persisted in some locations scattered solitary locust were seen   Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia, and Sudan. Generally, control operations treated 1,192 ha, in Eritrea and A total of 849ha treated with 452 liters of ULV pesticides in Sudan. In Ethiopia […]